Absent in Influence: As a public figure who claims to value self care and autonomy, it’s Melania Trump’s civic duty to use her position of power to speak up

Whether it’s Michelle Obama implementing the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, or Eleanor Roosevelt advocating for civil rights, women in office as First Lady have a history of sharing their opinions and creating change. Their personal beliefs almost always align with those of their husband, the President. 

Melania Trump’s opinions, however, don’t. In her new autobiography “Melania”, she declares her position on abortion and reproductive autonomy as pro-choice. This differs from Donald Trump’s voiced opinions who, according to CBS News, has taken credit for the reversal of Roe v. Wade. 

First Ladies have historically played significant roles, not only in the lives of the Presidents while in office, but also the legislation passed during their husband’s term. 

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children,” Melania wrote. “Based on their own convictions free from any intervention or pressure from the government.” 

Unfortunately, her opinion was voiced too late. 

Despite Donald Trump’s recent proclamation that he doesn’t support an abortion ban, he appointed three conservative Supreme Court Justices who played a role in overturning Roe v. Wade, the longstanding legalization of abortion and reproductive care. 

Only now has he begun to declare as to whether or not he’d veto or approve a national abortion ban, frustrating both sides of the political spectrum. 

As a First Lady, and now a Former-First Lady, she’s been granted a permanent place in the public view. But this comes with obligations. She should be speaking up about her views, regardless of how she might feel it reflects her public image. Speaking out now is beneficial, but in light of the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the treatment of immigrant children during the Trump administration, it’s untimely and has little impact.

In her book, Melania emphasizes how she feels she’s been misconstrued, yet she married a public figure who’s outspoken with conflicting views.

Francesca Lorusso | The Harbinger Online

“As a private person who has often been the subject of public scrutiny and misrepresentation,” Melania wrote. “I feel a responsibility to set the record straight and to provide the actual account of my experiences.”

In a private interview with The Guardian, Melania Trump passionately defends her beliefs, stating that abortion and reproductive health care are basic rights, going so far as to defend abortions later in a pregnancy. It came as a shock to many, given her habit of staying silent, as her husband was anything but that. 

Melania explains her past silence, suggesting that she prefers to address disagreements with her husband in private rather than in the public eye. Yet, speaking up for her beliefs is her civic duty.

However, she’s not ignorant of her responsibilities. She writes that in light of former First Ladies and their accomplishments, she entered office with her sights set high. While other women in office have been incredibly successful, Melania often fell short.

“[Being in office] presents power and ample opportunities for making a positive impact.” Melania wrote. “Previous First Ladies have shown that we have the power to effect significant change, and I was committed to using my platform for the greater good.”

Michael Yi | The Harbinger Online

She did work on legislation regarding children and cyberbullying during her time in office, although it proved ironic as her husband was banned from Twitter. It’s another example of the opposition between Melania and Donald Trump, and a chance for her to do more. 

Instead of speaking on the issues she now claims to be passionate about, Melania Trump sat idly by as her husband sanctioned opposing legislation on issues such as abortion and immigration. 

While she objectively did a little bit more than nothing, she didn’t do nearly enough to advocate for her beliefs. 

With Donald Trump running for re-election this fall, Melania Trump should re-evaluate her role as the First Lady, to ensure that she isn’t acting too little, too late. 

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