Flipping through my Netflix instant queue you will probably find more mindless action movies than anything of substance. If a movie has guns, explosions, blood, boobs and a simple plot line, count me in. It’s easy to stay focused throughout the whole movie with the continuous action, especially for someone like me who has the attention span of a goldfish. Whenever I get a chance to watch a movie and there is no one around me, you can guarantee I’ll be watching something that has all of the above qualifications.
After watching so many movies of this genre I know the basic idea: seemingly-normal person gets swept in some kind of plan to destroy the word that they somehow managed to foil despite all odds, and of course they get the girl. With movies like, these the endings are almost predictable. Some are exciting and others are just so over-the-top and implausible that you can do nothing else but watch and try not to think too much. Which makes these the perfect movie to waste your Saturday night watching by yourself alone in the basement.
Lil Wayne, One Direction, Ke$ha, Chris Brown and countless others. They all have no musical talent or value aside from a catchy beat, as popular as they may be. Regardless, I will play them loudly and proudly. Well, as long as there is no one else watching or listening to me.
The terrible pop and rap music that is popular today is my crack. I know that this isn’t the music I should be enjoying this much, but you can sing along and shamelessly dance to it, and that’s good enough for me. This is the only music I listen to in the car and I don’t just listen; I sing and I dance. I have perfected the car dance, which I only do with my upper-body at stoplights. I make a point to memorize all of the words to my favorite songs, so I can have my own karaoke session whenever I want. I know the words better than I do my pre-calc equations. Now this isn’t the only music I listen to, but it is the music that I enjoy the most. It’s fun and peppy and can instantly put me in a good mood.
I’m embracing my awkward phase, which I’m apparently still in. When I say that, I loved and still love to read science fiction, fantasy and books about magic. When you’re 12, it’s perfectly acceptable to be reading books about dragons; but when the series isn’t finished until I’m in high school, I’ve got no choice but to read that last book. And not just read it, but enjoy it more than whatever profound and thought-provoking book I should be reading.
I’ve read books from all over this genre: “Inkheart,” to “Percy Jackson and the Olympians,” to all five “Game of Thrones,” books. These books are more than entertaining because you get to suspend reality and you can escape from the real world. They also discuss morals and what is really right and wrong. They have a deeper layer than just imagination. You can learn things about life, and reading some of these books as young child really had a profound effect on me.
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