Two Girls One Craft: DIY Glue Canvas

Okay ladies, it’s that time of the year again. Crafting time. Well maybe not THAT time of the year because if you’re anything like Hailey or me, that time would be all the time. We’re talking about the time of year where it’s beginning to look a lot like summer. The sun is shining, snow is melting, grass is greening and girls going to their local craft stores to stock up on canvases and paint. Yes, you read that last part right. This is the time of year where girls are creating the ever so infamous “inspirational quote on a canvas with a sunset as the background”. You’d be lying if you said you haven’t made one of these or at least thought of making one, but this year Hailey and I have a little something new to show you all.

I know, I know- we’ve said this before but this really just might be the easiest DIY project yet. Naming it “Greatest DIY Project Ever” would be a little over the top, but it gives you the biggest bang for your buck, takes an hour tops and looks better than half the other canvas DIY work you’ve seen on Pinterest.

What you’ll need:

1 canvas – size of your choice

1 glue bottle

Paint – color of your choice

A paintbrush

How you will go about creating this beauty:

1. Create a design that you want on your canvas. Trust us you will want to practice on pen and paper first.

2. With your glue bottle, replicate your design on the canvas. Make sure the lines you make are continuous and do not stop mid-way through a line.

3. Wait for the glue to dry. This step is the most important because if you paint over the wet glue it will smear and ruin your whole project. For us, it took about 20 minutes. If you’re on a time crunch, I recommend using a hair dryer on a low cool setting.

4. Once dry, thoroughly paint over the entire canvas. Depending on the paint you buy/ your idea of the perfect color, a few coats may be needed.

5. Let it dry, then viola!

Now you can hang this bad boy up in your room next to all your inspirational quote pictures 😉

*Also we thought it would be cool for next time you do this, to not paint over the canvas and leave it white. If you have a bright wall at home this could be just the accent piece you have been looking for.

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