Freelancer Staff Gearing Up for Submissions Deadline

The deadline for submissions to the Freelancer, East’s literary and art magazine, is Friday, Jan. 24. This marks the end of the time that Freelancer has been accepting submissions, which can be any kind of writing or artwork. Students who submit their work to Freelancer receive baked goods in their seminar classes as a reward for their contribution.

Senior Freelancer editors Anna Jones and Meghan Mohn conduct meetings every Thursday after school in English teacher Amy Andersen’s room. Right now, Freelancer staff members are filing submissions into categories and getting ready to put it together for publication. Part of this process is trying to decide on a theme for this year’s issue.

“One example for a theme is stages of life,” junior staff member Hannah Swanson said. “For that we would need to come up with categories for stages of life that pieces could go under. For chilhood would be light, happy pieces, or different styles that fit with the category of the theme.”

So far, the publication has recieved about 50 pieces of writing and less visual art, according to Mohn. To advertise for more submissions, Freelancer has put in daily announcements, and staff members would like to do a skit in the video announcements.

“We’re hoping for a lot more [submissions],” Mohn said. “We’ll be going around to classrooms to [encourage] people to submit their work.”

Both Swanson and Mohn would like to see more artwork submissions, since the majority of them have been writing pieces so far.

“[I’d like to see more of] the art that people don’t expect, like sculptures and jewelry,” Mohn said. “I feel like you see a lot of photography and drawing, but I want to see the wierd stuff.”

According to both Mohn and Swanson, it’s important for students to get their work out there for feedback and a sense of accomplishment.

“It’s good to have people actually look and your work, and it’s really confirming to see your work in a magazine and be like, ‘I did that, that was me,’” Mohn said.

Freelancer is set to come out around spring break.

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