Gallery: Homecoming Pep Assembly

Pep Club kicked off Homecoming weekend with their annual Homecoming pep assembly. The Lancers kicked off the assembly by introducing “parting the Red Sea” and recognizing the different activities students are involved in at East. Following these announcements, the Pep Execs introduced Junior Dexter Stephens to led the student body in the viking chant. Principal Jason Peres then recognised students who are national merit scholars, got perfect scores on sections of the ACT or the PSAT and senior Ellen Bowser who got a perfect super score on the ACT. Varsity cheer and the Lancer Dancers performed for the students.  All of the Homecoming candidates then competed in a mini pie eating contest. The assembly ended with the Pep Execs telling everyone to come to the school-wide tailgate before the football game and student body singing the school song. 

The Homecoming tailgate will be at 5:30 p.m. at SM South before the varsity football game at 7 p.m. against SM South. The Homecoming Court will be announced during halftime. 

Check out this gallery on Harbie Photo to purchase photos from this event by clicking the link below:

9.19.24 Homecoming Pep Assembly

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Amelie Wong
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Caroline Hoffman

Caroline Hoffman
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