Eastipedia: French Club

Like clockwork, every third week, room 507 is filled with the essence of a far-away European country that celebrates eating baguettes and apple tarts. French club is all about celebrating French culture and doing festive french activities.

The agenda for each meeting varies. Sometimes they watch a movie or listen to music; all in French, of course.

The club focuses on meeting new people and learning about the culture. Around 10 to 15 kids come to each meeting. Most of the students that come are knowledgeable about French culture and the language, but any student can come to learn even more and discuss what they know with other members.

The members meet every three weeks in Dr. Finnie’s room. Finnie is the sponsor for the club, and also teaches French one and two.

“I like the informal approach to French Club,” said senior Clara Martin. “Rather than being in French Honors Society, you get to do these fun activities that are different from what you do in class. We also have more freedom to get to explore the culture.”


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