The Oddball Daily

February 14th: Valentine’s Day. It also happens to be National Organ Donor Day. Suddenly, those cupcakes encrusted in heart shaped sprinkles and pink frosting take on a whole new significance. Every day of the year, no matter how trivial, is a holiday of some sort. For those of you who wake up on the right side of the bed every day, knowing that every day is a day to be celebrated is just another incentive. And for those of you who don’t, maybe Feb. 16 is the holiday for you.

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Author Spotlight

Yashi Wang

Junior, Co-Art & Design Editor Yashi is fairly normal outside of an odd obsession with fonts (her computer died from an overdose, so she had to downsize... to 423). She has a very theoretical love for furry animals, and a genuine love for creative writing, drawing, music, design and sleep, among other artsy things. Outside of Harbinger, she’s a staff member of the Freelancer, a violinist in SME’s orchestra, the Junior Co-Treasurer on Student Council, and the Co-President of Latin Club (where Latin students do fun things like go to Latin Con). In conclusion, Yashi never does anything alone, and she dabbles in everything (except that which requires physical coordination). »

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