A&E Opinion: The Most Annoying Things About Summer

Summer is kind of like that friend that you invite over and they stay a lot longer than you expected. It’s all fun and games but after awhile, you’re like “okay please go home now.” Let’s just say summer and I had our ups and downs. Luckily, it was mostly ups, but I’ve got a few of the bad parts that I think everyone can agree with.

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Those of you who know me have probably realized by now that my wonderful Irish complexion always tends to get sunburned the first week of summer. Of course only my nose and cheeks turn that rosy red color while the rest of my body gets a decent tan. I’ve tried everything; I wear SPF 100+ for crying out loud! But nope, that beautiful shade of red still takes over my face. It’s not even the sunburn that irritates the bejeezus out of me, it’s the fact that EVERYONE — and I mean everyone — is coming up to me saying “wow you’re sunburned” or “you should really put some sunscreen on.” I’d like to thank these people for assuming that I do not own a mirror and that I do not know what my face looks like.


I don’t really know how many times I almost hit a cyclist this summer while I was cruisin’ the wonderful and frequently worked on, Mission Road, but let’s just say I don’t blame myself for it. Nice weather means more people biking and — you know, that’s great. Getting a little work out in, awesome, good for you. What I can’t seem to wrap my mind around is why these bikers have to do their thang in the middle of the street and WHY they start to bike faster when they know I’m trying to pass them. Do they not realize that my car is going to overpower their set of wheels?

Rain Rain Go Away

I am a huge pool rat. I stay at the pool from 8 a.m. until about 6 p.m. and when I’m not at the pool I’m at work, which is lifeguarding at a different pool. I’m addicted to being poolside. When I wake up in the summer and look out my windows to see dark clouds and rain I don’t know what to do with myself. Do I stay in bed for the rest of the day? Do I go to the pool anyways and just hope that it clears up? Or do I do my summer homework assignments? I think number two was the best way to go.

No Friends

I know you know the week I’m talking about. That week where it seems like everyone and their mom are out of town and you’re stuck back home with a wide open schedule and no people to fill it in with. This usually results in me going to the pool by myself and trying to hang out with the middle schoolers until they tell me I’m weird and to go away. Thank god for the boys on the show “Friday Night Lights”. They were the only ones there to keep me company. Without Netflix this summer I would’ve driven myself to a lonely state of insanity.


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